Tuesday 28 February 2012

How to Avoid the Dreaded Ingrown Hairs!

As many people who suffer from the double-edged sword of having luscious, thick and glossy hair will know, ingrown hairs can be a problem. Not just painful, they can be a source of embarrassment. While they usually occur in areas where the skin has been shaved or where wax kitshave been used, such as legs, beards and in the pubic region, they can occur anywhere. With the winter taking its final bow and the swift advent of spring and vacation season approaching, it’s more important than ever to understand the symptoms, causes and preventative steps you can take to produce a smooth, ingrown hair free summer body.
What are the symptoms of ingrown hairs?
Ingrown hairs occur when the hair grow sideways along the skin or backwards into it. The itchy and painful feeling you feel is when your hair follicle develops a slight infection. Ingrown hairs can result in an unsightly rash, itchy skin and pus forming due to an infection.
What causes ingrown hairs?
They occur when a hair is cut off sharply. The most common reasons for this occurring are shaving, using wax kits and wearing tight clothing. They can also be caused by blocked pores that result in the hair having no option but to grow sideways.
How do I treat them?
There are a number of different natural treatments for 
the aid of a beautician. Applying a warm cloth or flannel 
can help to relieve itchiness or pain as well as opening 
the pores. If the hair is just below the surface, then 
using tweezers can remove it, although there is a risk
 of infection in doing this. If you do remove the ingrown hair in this way, then it is important to apply some antiseptic afterwards to prevent an infection. I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to settle into a daily exfoliation routine and it is relatively simple to produce your own homemade exfoliating scrubs, using ingredients you can find in your kitchen cupboards. I have experimented with using a variation of components; oats, honey, vinegar, olive oil, fruit, salt, ginger, cinnamon, brown sugar and green tea can be used in different combinations to produce a homemade exfoliating scrub that is not only kind to the environment but kind to your bank balance! After treatments, you should also avoid wearing tight clothing to allow the area to heal. For some people, ingrown hairs can be a frequent and uncomfortable part of everyday life. In more severe cases, electrolysis can be an option –albeit costly – as this can permanently prevent ingrown hairs.
How can I prevent ingrown hairs occurring?
Precautions can be made to prevent ingrown hair growth. It is so crucial to prepare the skin before any kind of hair removal. Using a good shaving technique is important, for example use a generous amount of shaving gel or foam, as it provides lubrication and stops you applying too much force. This prevents the hair from being cut lower than the surface of the skin. Keep to your daily exfoliation routine as strictly as possible, as it can ensures that your skin’s pores do not become blocked.
The conclusive fact is most people suffer from an ingrown hair at some point in the lives. Fortunately, there are a number of steps that can be taken to treat the area when this happens. Abiding to the age-old saying of “prevention is better than cure”, it is important to become accustomed to settling into a beauty routine that you will follow for your life’s entirety.

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