Wednesday 28 March 2012

Five Tips to Turn Your Bedroom into a Blissful Oasis

If your bedroom is more like a catastrophe than oasis, it may be time to wake up and take on the chaos. Designers and sleep experts agree that your bedroom should be a peaceful refuge, a restful retreat that creates an atmosphere conducive to sleep and relaxation.

A "tired" kitchen or bathroom may be an unsightly inconvenience and a challenge if you're selling your house. But a "tired" bedroom can actually impact your mental and physical well being. Here are five tips to turn your den of chaos into an oasis of bliss:

1. Cut the clutter. - When you walk into your bedroom are you visually overwhelmed? Whether you have too much decoration on the walls and nick nacks on top of the dresser, or mounds of dirty laundry on the floor, the visual impact can be the same. The more stuff you have in the room, the smaller and more confining the room will appear.

Do whatever you have to do to organize and store items out of sight. Provided, feng shui experts warn, that you don't stuff the debris under the bed. It's thought that items stored under the bed can disrupt the natural energy flow and ultimately affect your rest.

2. Adults only, please. - That's right; it's time the baby moved into her own room. Also, eliminate from the room all reminders that you have children. That means any toys the kids have left in your room go into their rooms. Their laundry should be folded and put away in their rooms - never left sitting in a basket in yours. Remember, your bedroom is about you and your partner. It's where you decompress after a long day and share moments that are exclusively yours as a couple.

3. Keep the room purposeful. - Our homes have become as crowded as our lives and often our bedrooms do double duty as our home offices. But design and sleep experts agree that you should get the office and computer out of the bedroom if at all possible. A desk and computer detract from the room's ultimate purpose - to serve as a refuge from the day's cares. If you simply have nowhere else to put your computer, try to position it so that it's not the last thing you see before you close your eyes or the first thing you see in the morning.

4. Decoration should be simple but dear to your heart. - The bedroom is no place to try out the latest edgy design trend. Stick with colors, textures and images that are meaningful and relaxing to you. A dramatic centerpiece is OK as long as it inspires a sense of peace. Your focal point could be a massive, four-poster king sized bed or a wall mural of a sensual tropical scene or restful garden.

You can even personalize your mural by having a favorite photograph - a romantic scene from your honeymoon, the towering oak tree that grew in the back yard of your childhood home - turned into an easy-to-install wallpaper mural. To learn more about wallpaper murals and customizing your own mural,

5. When it comes to bed linens, splurge away! - Your skin will be in contact with your linens for six to eight hours every night. You'll see your bedspread or comforter every time you pass by the bedroom door. Your linens should appeal to your sense of touch as well as vision. You should fall in love with how the linens feel against your skin, as well as how they look on your bed. Good linens can make even the most simple bedroom décor feel stunning.

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