Many studies and surveys have shown that men often rank a woman’s smile as one of the first things they look at when they first meet and one of the features they find most attractive. Knowing this, why would you not want to keep one of your best assets at its best? Here are some key things you can do to have your best, healthiest, and sexiest smile.
Brush properly
This may seem like a no brainer, but many women do not brush often enough or do not brush properly. You should brush when you wake up, before bed, and after each meal. Proper brushing should last two full minutes, and should involve many rapid small circles. You should brush the front and back of each tooth as well as the gums and tongue. Also, make sure to use a proper toothbrush. Your toothbrush should have soft bristles and allow you to reach all parts of your mouth comfortably.
Floss daily
Most women brush every day, but far too many fail to floss every day as well. Flossing is just as important as brushing because it removes cavity causing food from between teeth that brushing misses. You should floss at least two times every day. Make sure to get between each tooth and scrape from the gum line to the top of the tooth.
Foods to avoid
To limit your chance of getting a cavity and a date with the dentist’s drill, you should avoid foods that cause cavities to form easily. Foods high in sugar or carbohydrates are favorites of the cavity causing bacteria in your mouth because they can easily turn them into acids, which eat away at the enamel on your teeth. If the acid is allowed to reach the core of the tooth, a cavity forms. So avoid candy, sweets, and bakery goods such as rolls, doughnuts, and cookies as much as possible. If you must eat these foods, make sure to brush and floss afterward.
Limit snacking
Snacking between meals is not only bad for your waistline; it is also bad for your teeth. Your saliva contains a component that naturally repairs the enamel on your teeth. When you eat, the saliva is washed away before it can finish its repair job. Giving your mouth time between eating allows it to properly repair your enamel so it can keep away the cavities.
Whiten your teeth
While not necessary for a healthy smile, white teeth are essential for a sexy one. Yellow teeth can make you self conscious and want to hide your beautiful smile. To get rid of yellow teeth, you can whiten them at home or get them professionally whitened at your dentist’s office. There are many over the counter whitening products such as gels, strips, and trays you can use to whiten your teeth at home. Whitening them at your dentist office is more expensive but it produces better results. Most home products are used daily for up to four weeks and professional whitening usually takes place over a few visits.
So follow these five keys to a healthy and sexy smile and you will be confident in knowing that your teeth will accentuate your beauty for years to come.
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